I've read this sentence many times, in many books, in many movies and I've been hearing this from my mom since the day I was born. I never gave it any significance because I was most of the time 'in my rain' moments..., I'm not saying that I didn't have "my rainbow" moments, but the others out weight them many times. As you've read in my posts, recently, I try to focus on the good things and think of the good stuff. I can finally say that now I truly understand why my mom said that to me more times that I can account.
In my 21 years of living I finally understand why we should fall first before we are finally at the reaching point. If you are given everything in life, you don't appreciate anything and believe me when say nothing is to take granted for. I finally can say that I enjoy my life as it is right now and I'm definetely not sad, for sure.😂 I enjoy my life, my job, my friends and I can confirm for the first time that I don't miss home. I had to reach where everything was dark so I can appreciate the white. In order for something good to happen you have your falls, that's how life works. I mean even the world was created from a collision we consider bad but it created something beautiful. And the world is beautiful, in its every aspect, every wrinkle, every flaw and escpecially at its best. I apreciate everything that my life gave me, the bad stuff/ the good stuff, my depression/ my happiness, Everything. Those things created my personality, my traits, myself and I love how I am every part of me, of myself.
My ups and downs created me. Some may laugh at me or say that I'm talking rubbish but you through that and believe me, you will, at some point, you will understand what I'm saying and the reason why I write what I write.
That's all from me for now. I know it's short but I that's all I had for now 😏
This gingerhead is out!