Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Everything happens for a reason.

 If I could have a penny for every time I heard this in my life, right now I would have been a milionaire.

I do I agree with most people when they say this because, yes, everything does happen for a reason whether you know the reason at the time or you found out later... This season I have learned many things about how life works even more than before. I can tell for certain that we are at a specific place where we are suppose to be, even when we think we don't.

We go through situations for a reason, thinghs that happen, are happenning for a reason. We even meet some people for a reason...

Whether we like it or not we do not have a say on this and I can tell from experience. Everything we go through are bricks that build us. That builds our personalities, what we are and what we are meant to be.
Whatever happens in our life is a piece of the puzzle that we need to fullfill.
Everything. Even the bad pieces.
We go through heartbreaks, depresion, happiness, love, everything in general, just to complete that damn puzzle that is called life. We are meant to feel those things. We are meant to accept it.

Have you ever wandered why the universe or God whatever you may call it has those annoying ways to show that, yes you are meant to feel that thing, in that specific period even when it feels wrong? The universe has many funny ways to show that and believe me, even ways that it's like they have come out of a book. Well, books are inspired from real life so I guess I don't have to be that surprised...

I was on holidays on some town and I happened to cross some street artist, I think his name was Huxalu, I don't remember exactly anyways, and he was painting some pictures with grafiti spray. Here is the catch. He was painting pictures, personal pictures, specifically for each person by looking them in the eyes. H e was stranger to all. He didn't know anyone, not who they were, their backstories, in general people'e lives that they were there.

The paintings were supposed to mirror what that person wants more in his soul.

Each person's personal story. 

For example, he painted a picture for a guy that showed a sunset but it was a sunset that you don't see in regular paintings but something like you see through a photo? Something like that.. 

Huxalu started saying to the guy that you have a peacefull mind that is yearning for something for a very long time. He specifically told him that he will be able  to see it earlier than he thinks.
 I was not quite sure why he painted that even he started explaining the picture but when I saw the guy crying when he layed eyes on the painted sunset, it shocked me. The guy explained that was the sunset he was looking at everyday form his home that he hasn't seen for years and that he yearned to see.

So yeah, of course being the nosy cat that I am after I saw more people going through what thatt stranger went through, I asked for a painting as well... I don't want to tell what happened next or what he told me, only that I had chills and that I was emotional. I was overthinking way to much that night. 

I couldn't find the off button on that day...

Life is way too complicated and I have so many questions that I can't find answers to. I think telling ourselves that everything happens for a reason, that we meet someone for a reason is just a way to console ourselves and to calm our minds from not having a damn answer to those big whys...

I think is just an excuse for us so we don't have to look for the answer.

This gingerhead is out!

Destiny is not just one path

They say when you reach the middle of your twenties after you obtain a fisrt degree, you absolutely know what you are going to do with your ...