Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Destiny is not just one path

They say when you reach the middle of your twenties after you obtain a fisrt degree, you absolutely know what you are going to do with your life. Most people after that have a plan they want to follow whether that is a job with career opportunities, a second degree or something totally different.
Let me tell you a secret, all that is an illussion. Noone, absolutely noone knows what they are going to do with their lives even if they follow a plan that they may have put down years ago and do you know why? Because nothing is guaranteed that every little thing we plan will go as it supposed to go.

Humans are beings that are mend and bound on the mercy of destiny. 
Every little thing that happens in our day happened for a reason so despite our plans to do something whether that is to get a dream job or pass some exams the outcome of it is what is meant for you at that specific moment of life. There is a reason why the universe is not giving every person what he wants at the time he is asking for it.
Every single book, poem, newsletter in general every single piece of writing, written through the passage of time has proved and shown that exactly. Stories have teached us that we walk in a specific path that was created for us the minute we were born. The path can be easy with flowers and blooms or it can be a difficult one with obstacles and thorns.

Now you may say that I tend to write things like that over and over again and many people ask me why do I make it sound like people don't have a say on what will go on their life. I may sound like I'm disappointed in life and have given up on trying to change how things will work out and let my destiny decide what happens to me, right? Well is it that a choice as well? It's not like I have given up. No, totaly the opposite actually. I have gone though a lot and every obstacle that comes in my way I just pretend never happened and move on because I know how I react to it will lead to a destined destination of my life.

Destiny is not just one path.

Picture this. Destiny is like a maze with different turns and paths. Every person is born with his own maze, with different versions of his destiny. Depending on the choices and the reactions on things that life throws at us. So destiny can be either a path that you just follow along deciding not do anything about it or you follow a differnt path by making a turn on every single chance just to change the outcome of your situation that you are in. Was that a little helpful?

For me my destiny is writing, even if I didn't get to succeed to get into my dream Uni as my second degree. But I will not let that put me down. I could honestly. I could just give up and leave one of my desinged paths to do its job and just go along and work only in the hotels as I usually do but I decided not too. Just because I'm not meant to be studying English at this time it doesn't mean that I'm not meant to do it next year. Besides I got to do the things I wanted to do with out the stress of achieving something you want for a while. It's kinda liberating honestly. Just like writting I decide what I write to stay on so I decide as well which desinged path for me is going to be the one to be sealed as my destined path.

Confusing enough I know but I hope my words can be kind revealing to some people and make them look the world with a different perspective. My korean teacher is that person to me right now, an inspiration and has taught me a lot. I tend to look up to her a lot for many things and I hope I can follow her steps. I really respect the people who can be an inspiration to others and I hope I can be one of them through writting. What's meant to be written, it will be.
Besides haven't the great philosophers defined that Writing is the basic tool and the greatest of them all to built a civilization. Without it, the world as we know it could not exist.

This is gingerhead is out!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Everything happens for a reason.

 If I could have a penny for every time I heard this in my life, right now I would have been a milionaire.

I do I agree with most people when they say this because, yes, everything does happen for a reason whether you know the reason at the time or you found out later... This season I have learned many things about how life works even more than before. I can tell for certain that we are at a specific place where we are suppose to be, even when we think we don't.

We go through situations for a reason, thinghs that happen, are happenning for a reason. We even meet some people for a reason...

Whether we like it or not we do not have a say on this and I can tell from experience. Everything we go through are bricks that build us. That builds our personalities, what we are and what we are meant to be.
Whatever happens in our life is a piece of the puzzle that we need to fullfill.
Everything. Even the bad pieces.
We go through heartbreaks, depresion, happiness, love, everything in general, just to complete that damn puzzle that is called life. We are meant to feel those things. We are meant to accept it.

Have you ever wandered why the universe or God whatever you may call it has those annoying ways to show that, yes you are meant to feel that thing, in that specific period even when it feels wrong? The universe has many funny ways to show that and believe me, even ways that it's like they have come out of a book. Well, books are inspired from real life so I guess I don't have to be that surprised...

I was on holidays on some town and I happened to cross some street artist, I think his name was Huxalu, I don't remember exactly anyways, and he was painting some pictures with grafiti spray. Here is the catch. He was painting pictures, personal pictures, specifically for each person by looking them in the eyes. H e was stranger to all. He didn't know anyone, not who they were, their backstories, in general people'e lives that they were there.

The paintings were supposed to mirror what that person wants more in his soul.

Each person's personal story. 

For example, he painted a picture for a guy that showed a sunset but it was a sunset that you don't see in regular paintings but something like you see through a photo? Something like that.. 

Huxalu started saying to the guy that you have a peacefull mind that is yearning for something for a very long time. He specifically told him that he will be able  to see it earlier than he thinks.
 I was not quite sure why he painted that even he started explaining the picture but when I saw the guy crying when he layed eyes on the painted sunset, it shocked me. The guy explained that was the sunset he was looking at everyday form his home that he hasn't seen for years and that he yearned to see.

So yeah, of course being the nosy cat that I am after I saw more people going through what thatt stranger went through, I asked for a painting as well... I don't want to tell what happened next or what he told me, only that I had chills and that I was emotional. I was overthinking way to much that night. 

I couldn't find the off button on that day...

Life is way too complicated and I have so many questions that I can't find answers to. I think telling ourselves that everything happens for a reason, that we meet someone for a reason is just a way to console ourselves and to calm our minds from not having a damn answer to those big whys...

I think is just an excuse for us so we don't have to look for the answer.

This gingerhead is out!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Finding the answers to why...

 I know there is being a long time since I posted something but given the circumstances, a lot has being going on that has drained everything in my mind.
Recent events has shown me that life is very complicated and nothing goes as expected. At least when you think that nothing can go wrong.

As I wrote in previous articles, many people believe and including myself everything happens for a reason. You may not know why but the answer sooner or later comes in the light, right? I've recently learn from a very extraordinary person that even if we make our choices in the end of the road we end up where we are destined, right?
Well, noone knows if he is in the right road or not but there are some signs that can help you found out. I find myself thinking and waiting to know why something has to happen in that given time. Time is a very fragile thing that you keep chasing and can't reach so it's normal to something happen in a very bad timing in order to just happen...

We as beings do not have enough time to live some things so we end doing and feeling stuff in a small amount of time because we believe we are running out of it. Then comes the unpatience of not knowing why that happen and we need some answers fast which eventually do not come in that given time but way later.

So all of these brings us to this question; Does everything happen for a reason so we can learn from it or is it just a line of events that we do not have to look to much into it?

As many said before there is no coinsidence in life. There are no just some events that happened in that given time because people made some choices. People are born with many different sides and by making the right choices they have to end up in the best version of themselves. People are destined to be the best version of themselves with or without the right choices.

We have to remember that, yes, everything does happen for a reason and yes, we will know why that happened but not when we want to but at the time where we are ready to know why. Like it or not, sometimes we are not ready to know why...

I hope this helped.

This gingerhead is out!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

'Hell is Other People'

Many say that we create our circumstances, that we are responsible for our feelings, our situation or even how we got into something that couldn't get out off. That statement is part true and here is why. Yes, we control on how we respond and how we feel but not entirely because sometimes we are not the person or the cause that got into whatever we are going through. Thus, the statement: 'Hell is other People'.
I've being delying a lot to understand the meaning of this because I didn't want to know that other people have control over me because I'm the master of myself, right? Although, recently I realised that, that is not entirely true and I shouldn't ignored it anymore.

You see sometimes other people create situations for you without your consent. Now, don't get on me I will explain what I mean. I'm going to give you an example. Have you ever waked up in the morning and felt very energetic, happy and when you come across a person, you are close to or you care about or even you used to care... they do something that affects your mood, whether is related to you or not, and then suddenly you are not happy or energetic anymore. Just besause that person did something.

When someone states that 'Hell is Other People' he means that they or whoever, can create a way that  turns into the worst for us. Basically, Hell is other people because we are, in some way, trapped within a person or a situation. More specific a subject to their apprehension of you. Our Hell is what other people have created for us. You can't control it entirely, even if you ignore it. You are in a situation where a person has created a way to make you feel miserable or sad and yes, be in hell. 

You will realise that I'm not entirely wrong and see that sometimes we go through hell because of others. You may ask how to end it but there is no answer. The only thing that anyone can do is to contain it and indure it with everything that he has. Otherwise, you are cheating yourself by giving up. The outcome of that is in the hands of that person whether he lets it affect him more or less and of course if he has power over it.

What I've learned is that, even if I don't have control over this, the best is to indure it and of course in the best way I can because if I let it or anyone consume me in their darkness, you are long gone. You are obligated to not let that happen due to the fact that in the end you are going to be the one who destroyed yourself and not them who put you in that Hell.
My advise, whichever hell you are going through and whoever put you there...You only know how to overcome it because as I said you are the master of yourself, not them...

This gingerhead is out!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Do you know what you want?

In life you will have to pass many paths that you never wanted. Whether that is being somewhere or being with someone or even decide to talk about somethig that needs to be said. Many people have to choose between friendship and love, others between work and family but you never know what is the right choice... I know it's kinda weird writing something like that now, when the only things I've talked were only about depression and how to move on with life. 

Some recent events in my life have shown me that the world has two sides and I was a fool to believe it was only beautiful... Can you tell me what you guys do when you are chased by someone you are not suppose to? Is it normal to feel uncomfortable by it? I guess it's not at all... and I'm an idiot for not seeing it and not talk. I know some of you have been through this shit but I want you tell me what were the consequences when you spoke...

Life decisions are things that need to be taken with sensitivity and carefulness because if you take them reclessly, you will regret it like I did...

 I'm reclessly crushing over an asshole who basically used me to forget someone else. And I'm more that an idiot because I knew it and I let him do whatever he wanted. Believe me when I say you don't want that in your life... But you know what? I don' t regret it. Life experiences they say. I liked it, it happened and that't it. So my advise for you today is to do what the hell you want! What your heart tells you because later you are going to think that you never actually tried. At least you did what you wanted and that's the true thing. Right?

What do you guys think? Am I a lunatic to say those things or am I just a 21-year-old who just realised how things work when her entire life was living under a rock?

You tell me because I'm dried out for sure...

This gingerhead is out! 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"You can't have the Rainbow, without a little bit of Rain"

You can't have the rainbow, without a little bit of rain...

I've read this sentence many times, in many books, in many movies and I've been hearing this from my mom since the day I was born. I never gave it any significance because I was most of the time 'in my rain' moments..., I'm not saying that I didn't have "my rainbow" moments, but the others out weight them many times. As you've read in my posts, recently, I try to focus on the good things and think of the good stuff. I can finally say that now I truly understand why my mom said that to me more times that I can account.

In my 21 years of living I finally understand why we should fall first before we are finally at the reaching point. If you are given everything in life, you don't appreciate anything and believe me when say nothing is to take granted for. I finally can say that I enjoy my life as it is right now and I'm definetely not sad, for sure.๐Ÿ˜‚ I enjoy my life, my job, my friends and I can confirm for the first time that I don't miss home. I had to reach where everything was dark so I can appreciate the white. In order for something good to happen you have your falls, that's how life works. I mean even the world was created from a collision we consider bad but it created something beautiful. And the world is beautiful, in its every aspect, every wrinkle, every flaw and escpecially at its best. I apreciate everything that my life gave me, the bad stuff/ the good stuff, my depression/ my happiness, Everything. Those things created my personality, my traits, myself and I love how I am every part of me, of myself.

My ups and downs created me. Some may laugh at me or say that I'm talking rubbish but you through that and believe me, you will, at some point, you will understand what I'm saying and the reason why I write what I write.

That's all from me for now. I know it's short but I that's all I had for now ๐Ÿ˜

This gingerhead is out!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Result of Excessive Thinking

For the last four months I've been overthinking way too much for my own good. You know, mostly what every concerning-with-anxiety-issues 20-year-old thinks. Like life, responsibilities, the begining of adulthood, carreer paths e.t.c. As I said before, in my other articles, I always wanted to pursue English Lit, be a teacher, be a professional writer and not being in the hospitality bussiness... I still haven't forgotten that dream and I still want to pursue it but the circumstances were not in my favor in many departments...Mentally, physically, uni, friends and more...

I suffered with depression in my teens for my personal reasons but I got through it with writting and books but for the last four months I was in a situation where those were not enough anymore. This pandemic in the begining wasn't so bad for me because I got to do things that I didn't have the time before, like finishing Bad Timing, practise my piano (after two years), dancing, finishing any book I had unfinished, starting learning a new language (korean to be exact) and of course I started this blog. But right now that, I don't know, what's the count? The third lockdown Greece had? Yeah the third one, I felt on edge. I was tired...I was mentally tired of everything...

My Uni had some problems with the curriculum of the lessons for next year because it was upgraded as a uni of the 6th level and not the 5th, that doesn't matter, and aparently I'm obligated to do another year because of the new lessons that were added...At the begining I was fine with it because I got to get a higher level diploma and my chances in getting in English Lit were about to increase but that wasn't the case... My mental problems started when an annoucement came out that even if the uni was upgraded the diploma wasn't to be higher from the old one so that made me had a lot of thoughts of wasting my time... Later we had some problems with a mental woman in the Uni that she threatned us to cuts us out from her lessons whatever we did, so that meant give the exams in her lessons more than two times, later on I heard that with that upgrade that even if I finished, I wouldn't be able to give exams for my entering in English (Thank God it turned out that wasn't true) and some other personal huge stuff... Later on I got into a deep hole where thoughts of... were you feel you are nohing and haven't accomplished anything in particular? Yeah that's how I felt 24/7...for the past two months and that's why I haven't updated anything during that time. 

Now I know the sourse of those wicked thoughts and I'm trying to demolish it? Obliviate it? Whatever you want call it. I realised that whatever is happening in life and around me is sometimes out of my control and I just have to go with the flow and make the best of it. The sourse of those thoughts were my own mind. I'm a prisoner of my own mind and I'm working on being released. Shit happens, as they say, and you just have to accept it if you can't do anything. Stop overthinking it. You want to do something? Do it! Don't cry about it and feel sorry for yourself because that is not going to get you anywhere...Believe me, I know... 

You may ask what happened? How did I realise it? How did I throw those thoughts away? Do you know a quote that says "People come into your life when you most need them"? What I'm about to say right now it's going to make some of you guys gringe but I don't care๐Ÿ˜‚. Remember last time where I wrote about BTS (๋ฐฉํƒ„์†Œ๋…„๋‹จ) being an inspire for people through their work and music? They did more than inspiring me... I first heard their song "Life goes on" on the radio on February and it was a day that I had thoughts of like, I don't know, ending my life... the best timing I could ask. When I heard it, it's like something clicked. Like it was saying to me "wake up, it's not worth feeling like that for literally nothing". I knew BTS but I never heard any of their songs before but that day when I first listened to that song, I felt like something huge was lifted. I looked the lyrics up and then I cried my eyes out... I was pissed that I let myself go through that way. I broke the promise that I had in my teens to not let that consume me but I let it happen. So I started listening to their songs, looking up about some interviews they did about saying to love yourself and do what makes you You. I woke up from that nightmare I was living because of their song. I was liberated and went through those four months day by day, month by month until I was OK just by hearing their songs

Now I'm in a situation where I'm working on it. I'm not still fine but I'm getting there. I'm done feeling sorry for myself ,again! I'm trying to do the best for myself and keep going and not give up my dreams. One step at a time. That's what I'm doing and I know for sure that I'm going to make it, whatever the obstacles. 

This gingerhead is out!

Destiny is not just one path

They say when you reach the middle of your twenties after you obtain a fisrt degree, you absolutely know what you are going to do with your ...