Monday, August 31, 2020

What exactly we do mean with the word Love?

What exactly do we desire to get, to have in life? Power? Control? or Love?

Those three words have being running in my mind recently... Can someone live without love? or Do we need power over things and control to survive? 

We need control over our lives to survive life. We need power in order to make a difference. We need to love so the world can be a better place to live in. What I'm trying to say is that we need to control things in order to be as it has to be. For instance, we need to control oursleves, we need to control our wants, our dreams, our lives. Here how power comes in the picture. In order to achieve our dreams, our passions, to make things better we need to be powerful, strong for us and for the people who look up to us to make it right.

I've asked myself how love fits in the picture, what exactly is it. We understnd the defintion of power and control because those two words existed from the beginning of time, without even knowing. I mean since the beginning humans had the need to control and to be powerful. Love wasn't something they knew. Love was a feeling were no one could understand and what was its purpose and stil some don't. Did you know that they gave the feeling for the first time, we call now love, a name in the ancient times?

Ancient Greeks had diveded love in four kinds: Storge, Philia, Eros and Agape.

Those are the four kinds of love. Storge is the kind of love you have with a person you feel familiarity. Philia is the feeling you have for a person you call friend. Eros is, the most common kind of love we all know, with someone you romantically desire, attraction and last but not least Agape is the self-emptying, divine love.

There is no separation between the four of them of which we need most. We need all four to survive. I think that no one actually knows what love is. Poets, painters, writers, philosophers tried to give a definition but no one actually knew what is it...

What is love?

No one knows exactly and no one can actually create an exact definition for it. All people know in some terms what it is because they felt it but if you ask each and every one of them no one is going to give you the answer that you seek...

I'm twenty and I never actually felt what love is... I had the two of the four kinds in my life. Storge and Philia. They are important but to tell what exactly love feels and is you have to have all four them... Some people never get to have that and die without knowing. If you ask what's the most difficult kind to get, is the last one.

Is not Philia, is not Storge, it's not even Eros, it's Agape.

Agape is the divine love were you love yourself and everyone around you. Is the love that God has given us, is the love that Jesus was talking about, is the love for serenity and soul calmness. Galini as we call it in greek.

That kind of love. I don't think anyone actually had felt all four so that's why it's difficult to give a definition.

I read in most books that Love is the thing stronger than anything. Stronger than Fear, Power and, that's going to sound cliche, Evil.

I believe it is. Without it there will be Chaos. Not control, not power but love if we don't have love in our hearts there will be Chaos and Destruction. 

I don't know how anyone can be happy without it. I certaintly know that I can't live without it...

Anyway, I hope I didn't make you feel out of the blue...

This gingerhead is out!


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