Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What matters most?

Hey again...

So, I'm turning twenty in two days...and I don't know what to make out of it. My friends think it would be good for me to have a party and brighten things up, but to be honest at the moment I'm not so fond of it with all the things that are going on...
Going through this quarantine and the streess of being carefull 'not to touch anything' or 'who you associate with' because you may catch the virus, has made me realise that you can't control anything...

I mean we can't control what will go on with our lives... if some things are meant to be, are meant to be...We need to realise that sometimes we can't have what we want...

Life can't be controlled even if it seems like it and certaintly we can't control Death... 

Yes, we make choices that change the paths of our lives but eventually we are going where we supposed to be going... But you know what's funny, that even the choices we make or not even ours... Many books have taught me that. The heroine makes a choice that will change her life for good or bad and it depends whether she chooses the right one or the wrong but every single time, the choice she makes it's because she has a talk or an impact from the person that maters to them most or from the person who affects them most...

So basically our choices or not ours...

A quote from the Hunger Games book, where Peeta said that our lives are not measured in years but by the people we touch around us, can't make it more accurate...

We don't have control over our lives, our choices not even our personalities... Our personalities are built by our surroundings and how people treat us... Basically, we don't have control about anything and I realised it way too late... 

We need to change this and sit and think what we really want. What matters to us most? What keeps us up and what makes us? Do we have control over it? I think not but sometimes if we strong enough to believe that we can do that, why not?

All this, may sound very absurd but at the end of the day it's we who decide what to do, right?

I'm a twenty-year-old that already has questions that I shouldn't been thinking about at.., how most call it? Yeah, right... the most 'perfect and care-free period of your life'...

I try to be open-minded about things and about life but you see... doing things and working for something that you are only ok with or you don't like, makes you think like that...

I hope one day to be proved wrong about all this but I strongly believe that no matter what, we can't control entirely our lives...


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